Mensagem de Boas Festas
Inquérito de Satisfação
Europe in the “Arc of Fire”
EU foreign policy in 2024
A inserção do tecido empresarial português no FED, como estratégia de Política de Defesa Nacional
Strategic Foresight and a sense of Urgency needed
The Future of European Defence
Proposal for the European Commission White Paper on
European defence industry
Towards institutional adaptation
Engaging with Connecting Europe 2017-2024 and beyond
Industrial policy in Europe
A unified industrial strategy for the EU
Industrial policy recommendations to promote decarbonisation, competitiveness and cohesion in Europe
A NATO rapid reaction force
Improving the quality of European defence spending
Cost of non-Europe report
A cold, hard look in the mirror
Issues and priorities for the EU’s area of freedom, security and justice in the wake of Trump 2.0
The ‘Defense, Security, and Resilience Bank’
How a new global defense bank—can solve US and allied funding problems
Overcoming the geography of discontent
New perspectives and innovative solutions
Europe in the age of uncertainty
EU Strategy 2025-2029
We Have the Instruments, Now Set the Objectives
The cross-Channel reset
Trump, Putin, and shifting EU-UK opinion
The Politics of Polycrisis
Reversing Brexit
Why, how and when